This page contains the most interesting data related to Vileyka and Vileyka district. These are mostly statistics. All data are taken from open sources.
1. General information about the city
The first documentary mention - November 16, 1460.
The status of the city - since 1795.
The administrative status - the district center of the Minsk region.
Geographic coordinates - 54.49°N 26.91°E (+54° 29' 24", +26° 54' 36").
The distance to Minsk - about 80 km in a straight line, about 100 km by car.
The distance to the nearest sea - about 340 km (Riga Gulf of the Baltic Sea).
The time zone - GMT +3 hours.
The telephone area code - +375 1771 XXXXX.
Postal code (central PO) - 222410.
Vileyka district includes 407 rural settlements, united in 11 village councils, and the city of Vileyka. The territory of the district covers 2.4 thousand square kilometers, 41% of territory is occupied by forests. In 1974, the largest artificial reservoir in the republic was built near the city - Vileyka Reservoir with an area of ??64.6 sq. km and a volume of 238 million m3.
As of 01.01.2015, there are 48 industrial enterprises in the district, 11 of them are large. The total number of employees is more than 3 thousand people. More information can be found on the page Enterprises.
2. Demographic statistics*
Current data
The total number of residents of the district as of January 1, 2022 - 47,061 thousand people. (26987 - city, 20074 - village).
Data for 2021
The total number of residents of the district on January 1, 2021 - 47862 (27167 - city, 20695 - village).
Data for 2020
The total number of residents of the district as of January 1, 2020 - 48516 (27374 - city, 21142 - village).
Number of employed population (annual average, for January-November) - 16339.
Nominal average monthly salary before taxes – 935 rubles.
(75.4% to the regional level, $443 at the rate of January 1, $363 at the rate of December 31).
Data for 2019
According to the Belstat bulletin dated 03/29/2019 and other publications:
The total number of residents of the district as of January 1, 2019 – 46810 (26638 - city, 20172 - village, 24869 - women, 21491 - men).
The number of births during the period - 427 (264 - city, 163 - village).
The number of dead during the period - 805 (299 - city, 506 - village).
The number of the working-age population is 25100.
Number of employed population (annual average) – 17294.
Nominal average monthly salary before taxes – 806 rubles.
(73.4% to the regional level, $373 at the rate for January 1, $383 at the rate for December 31).
According to the Belstat bulletin dated 04/09/2021:
The total number of residents of the district as of January 1, 2019 – 48940 (27400 - city, 21540 - village).
Probably, the number (+2130 people) has been adjusted to the data of the conducted population census.
Data for 2018
The total number of residents of the district as of January 1, 2018 - 47349 (26760 - city, 20589 - village).
The birth rate is 8.8‰.
The mortality rate is 17.9‰.
The number of births during the period - 414 (244 - city, 170 - village).
The number of deaths during the period - 844 (316 - city, 523 - village).
The number of working-age population is 25.3 thousand people.
Number of employed population (annual average) – 17876.
The nominal average monthly salary before taxes is 741 rubles.
(77.5% to the regional level, $376 at the rate for January 1, $343 at the rate for December 31).
Data for 2017
The total number of residents of the district as of January 1, 2017 - 47624 (26751 - city, 20873 - village).
The average annual number of residents of the district in 2017 is 47487 (26755 - city, 20732 - village).
The birth rate is 9.7‰.
The mortality rate is 17.6‰.
Number of employed population (annual average) – 18228 (data for January-November).
The nominal average monthly salary before taxes – 653 rubles.
(80.3% to the regional level, $333 at the rate of January 1, $331 at the rate of December 31).
Data for 2016
The total number of residents of the district as of January 1, 2016 – 48102 (26831 - city, 21271 - village).
Of them, 25,636 are women, 22,466 are men.
The average annual number of residents of the district in 2016 is 47863 (26791 - city, 21072 - village).
The number of births during the period - 520 (328 - city, 192 - village).
The number of dead during the period - 834 (307 - city, 527 - village).
Number of employed population (annual average) – 18756 (data for January-November).
The nominal accrued average monthly salary before taxes – 570 rubles.
(78.8% to the regional level, $307 at the rate for January 1, $291 at the rate for December 31).
*Note: Data is taken from various sources.
Older data can be viewed on the Google translated page. The page will open in a new tab.